Sunday, January 17, 2010

about the book of job

I`ve never read this kind of book, story about god. So I was really interested by that. According to our topic, order and chaos, I considered about order which it made him lost everything, his family and his animals. Even though he kept praising god at all and this is my personal opinion that he also made a order to god to consider about how to matter what, if he attacked god because of that disservice, satan can only do so much before god steps in and works wonders for your courage. Thus, he telled god what make you on order. Chaos, it happened between god and satan that I guess. The god`s job, reponsibilities, is save people and Satan`s work is to make evil, and therefore, it makes a blance between them religiously. To make a balnce, it should be interacted each other, but God killed which means how it denies his responies.

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