Sunday, February 7, 2010

observing conversation

"conversation".[online]. Feb/7/2010
As I am international student, from Japan, I speak English in America and speak Japanes in Japan. So, I can say that I belong both communities. Of course I speak Japanese with other Japanese students. I usually just chat about anyting and when a Jpanses man who is older than me, I would speak politely.
I paid an attension for a conversation between international students, one of them speak English since he was young and other is studing English right now. I ovserved them how they communicate and what they talked about was a dinner and what he did before.
I could hear that one man called other by nickname because they were known each other already.
-setting and sence
I did my observation in campus center during they are eating a dinner. They shifted who listener or taker is in each topics.
The goal of the conversation was when they ate everyting. Also, they just made thier paln for weekend.
I observed about tone and manner. When a man said that I just eat an ice cream for dinner, ohter man`s tone became high because he was surprised about that and moreover, it seems that he did not trust him. At the time of beginning of the conversation, they was normal, not casual, but end of time they became casual manner, such as one man poined other man by spoon. It seems casual for me, as a Japanese.
I can just say what kind of that conversation was for was chat.

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