Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Movie and The self

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Online image, google image. 8 Mar 2010.

-Who am I

Who I am is hard to explain. If someone asks me " who are you", I just say my name, Akihiro. Also, I can just say who I am is that I would introduce myself accoding to my experiences and the what situation I`m living with that make my paersonality; so, I am a man made by these facotrs. Similary, I was just a containar when I was baby and everything what I forced that makes me. In my opinion, I am an around me.

-What is I

Actually, I do not know. There is no answer that I guess and even there is, nobady knows. If there is any answer to response that, it should be a reason to live I hope.

-What is the central conflict of the film?

I think it was just after they quarrelled, so when he desided to take a memory surgery, he was still loving her. Although he did it, it seems that he does even know why he erased his memories about her. As I thought that it was just revenge without deep reasons.

-What is the significance of the Title?

"Eternal Sunshine", the part of title, means to suggest eternal love that I guess because even they erased their memories, they love each other that seems "Eternal"It defines how the story goes.

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