Thursday, April 15, 2010

Core Final

As I learned about order and chaos in Core class, I think that order and chaos exist together to balance each other because there is a definition of order, kind of peace, and then if it is destroyed, it will be chaos. I will define with order and chaos words and book which I have read in the class. First, if definition of war that brakes our future and lives, I will define command is something to redress wrongs of chaos, on either physically and spiritually. On the other hand, it is possible to said that if command creates people dominated by control, rigid rules and laws, chaos is changed to expand our future better by chaotic activities, just like war. But I am not saying that war makes" order" better, however it is kind of one way the situation finishes.

Placed the length of walls, it consisted of a continuous coil of stiff and shining metal serrated into jagged blades, so that there would be no way of climbing over it and no way through its tunnel without getting entangled in its fangs. There would be no way out,only a struggle getting bloodier, a deeper and sharper hooking and tearing of flesh. (Godimer 29)

In order to show definition between order and chaos of exact difference, which order and chaos fill more in the case. I mean that both of words do not have complete definitions to distinguish. For example, Classification is one of the order word, as you can see and messy toy box is a chaos word in this case. if you classify the toy box, classification of meaning would be something to make properly and then the order will be" order". What is more, religion can make both order and chaos I think. To explain this meaning, I have to say how belief is unbalanced. If you believe and god gives your hope, you can believe the god, " order". In other word, you just believe yourself without "deal" from the god. if there is no, he or she can be cause of chaos because they cannot believe them anymore.

In summary, I defined order and chaos are balanced together and support each other. If one of them lost balance, other can have more power.

· jj

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