Thursday, April 15, 2010

Core Final

As I learned about order and chaos in Core class, I think that order and chaos exist together to balance each other because there is a definition of order, kind of peace, and then if it is destroyed, it will be chaos. I will define with order and chaos words and book which I have read in the class. First, if definition of war that brakes our future and lives, I will define command is something to redress wrongs of chaos, on either physically and spiritually. On the other hand, it is possible to said that if command creates people dominated by control, rigid rules and laws, chaos is changed to expand our future better by chaotic activities, just like war. But I am not saying that war makes" order" better, however it is kind of one way the situation finishes.

Placed the length of walls, it consisted of a continuous coil of stiff and shining metal serrated into jagged blades, so that there would be no way of climbing over it and no way through its tunnel without getting entangled in its fangs. There would be no way out,only a struggle getting bloodier, a deeper and sharper hooking and tearing of flesh. (Godimer 29)

In order to show definition between order and chaos of exact difference, which order and chaos fill more in the case. I mean that both of words do not have complete definitions to distinguish. For example, Classification is one of the order word, as you can see and messy toy box is a chaos word in this case. if you classify the toy box, classification of meaning would be something to make properly and then the order will be" order". What is more, religion can make both order and chaos I think. To explain this meaning, I have to say how belief is unbalanced. If you believe and god gives your hope, you can believe the god, " order". In other word, you just believe yourself without "deal" from the god. if there is no, he or she can be cause of chaos because they cannot believe them anymore.

In summary, I defined order and chaos are balanced together and support each other. If one of them lost balance, other can have more power.

· jj

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blade Runner

1. Blade Runner is best known for its cyberpunk mise en scene (design aspects of the film): the incredibly dense texture of its shots. Watch very carefully and describe the 2020 culture the movie suggests visually.

- I think that Blade Runner is best known one of the revolutionary SF movie because usually SF movie directors wanted to show how future will improve and develop in society, such as vehicle and new law. However, Blade Runner shows the dark future on city( chaos ) that I was really interested. I felt that in the movie old things and new things exist together like some of part of things are changed and others are still exist that makes chaos I think. For example, cars fly over the sky between buildings. We can see the development at the scene. On the other hand, there are many of old type of restaurant on the street and then Deckard told his order to cook in conversation that we cannot see any differences from now. Moreover, I could see a cleavage in society between the rich and the poor. Thus, I thought that future means not being development and improvement that director wants to show I guess.

2. A moral message of the movie is that it was wrong to enslave the replicants and use them as forced labor since they were so human-like in both appearance and thought process. What would need to be different about replicants in order for us to feel that it was OK to use them for labor?

- At first, what makes people difference between human is personalities. It is life and also it is different from robots. Obviously, I could not see difference on five replicants. They are almost human or living things at least. I think we do not need perfect robot which is exact humanity robot. We should not make any individuality in robot.

3. Pulling in our current topics of Order and Chaos “The Self Among Others” what kind of economy does the 2020 world live in? Give examples of imagery or quotes to support your opinion.

-I guess that world will be more international, just like the movie, such as speaking a lot of languages in the city. At the time, I really wonder about how communication will be changed. We now use e-mail and cell phones(information appliance) to contact with each other. If it is changed more, it will be less communication between human.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lecture of Dr.Kapasula

According to her lecture, it was hard to consider about it as a man because she told us about feminism which was not really in the past of Japan. I think it became common point around 1970's. Obviously, it is kind of a recent way of thinking. It happend at fisrt in North America and became common sence over the world, even in Japan. I personality agree with feminism but even now sometimes it does give women equal. In Japan, it is still not be spread, for example, it is hard to get jobs caused of women. But I hope men and women should be having same oppotunities.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lemak's lecture

God's Balance,online image, google, Mar 09 2010.
-How do we balance social justice with moral authority, or just with unjust laws
According to his lecture, he stated that both social justice and moral interact each other. I think what is justice is to be made by historical things, that give people what is good and evil, and defined as a law. Similarly, moral is made by ourselves depending on our experiences since an individual was born. In my opinion, justice system includes moral because who makes law is people.

-What constitutes social responsibility and justice, and what is the relationship between freedom and power.
Social responsibility and justice in the world are synonym I think because the definition of Social responsibility comes up with justice. I do not think now both freedom and power exist together reason of giving freedom from power, laws, but in the past, in Japan, power of rights are made by kings who originated themselves to depend on how it made kings better. It was not rules and moreover it was just orders from kings.

-What constitutes leadership and how do leaders confront moral choices
The leaders have to be a just top of person who should not be dominator. Also, they must think about if it is not right because according to professor Lemak's lecture, some king were sure they were right but it makes choices to be narrow and therefore leaders, kings, should think about what choices they made often with moral choices.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Movie and The self

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Online image, google image. 8 Mar 2010.

-Who am I

Who I am is hard to explain. If someone asks me " who are you", I just say my name, Akihiro. Also, I can just say who I am is that I would introduce myself accoding to my experiences and the what situation I`m living with that make my paersonality; so, I am a man made by these facotrs. Similary, I was just a containar when I was baby and everything what I forced that makes me. In my opinion, I am an around me.

-What is I

Actually, I do not know. There is no answer that I guess and even there is, nobady knows. If there is any answer to response that, it should be a reason to live I hope.

-What is the central conflict of the film?

I think it was just after they quarrelled, so when he desided to take a memory surgery, he was still loving her. Although he did it, it seems that he does even know why he erased his memories about her. As I thought that it was just revenge without deep reasons.

-What is the significance of the Title?

"Eternal Sunshine", the part of title, means to suggest eternal love that I guess because even they erased their memories, they love each other that seems "Eternal"It defines how the story goes.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

How human live and grow with experiences

I chose a song" " sang by Kokia, the Japanese singer, which states what human live and grow with experiences. This song relates to " The Blank Slate, The Noble Ssavage, And The Ghost In The Machine". It is because the song expresses we Just learned by imitating someone who is that I think what we wanted to be. At bigining time to grow, we imitated our parent, brother and sister and therefore, it became our basic personality. After we have grown up, we would be experienced many kind of situation including love, problems and so on. In summary, every our personlity is made by different type of factors depending on what we faced. Even a bad factor, it gives us a chance to grow which means how we can solve problem and undergo hardship by ourselves.


Did you want to be perfect?

You just imitated someone, did`t you?

Any way was fine.

The most important thing was to be brave to take an action, didn`t you?

Everything you feel ganna be you.

Kokia. " Ningen tte sonnamonone" . Ningen tte sonnamonone. Glory Heaven. 2002.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

observing conversation

"conversation".[online]. Feb/7/2010
As I am international student, from Japan, I speak English in America and speak Japanes in Japan. So, I can say that I belong both communities. Of course I speak Japanese with other Japanese students. I usually just chat about anyting and when a Jpanses man who is older than me, I would speak politely.
I paid an attension for a conversation between international students, one of them speak English since he was young and other is studing English right now. I ovserved them how they communicate and what they talked about was a dinner and what he did before.
I could hear that one man called other by nickname because they were known each other already.
-setting and sence
I did my observation in campus center during they are eating a dinner. They shifted who listener or taker is in each topics.
The goal of the conversation was when they ate everyting. Also, they just made thier paln for weekend.
I observed about tone and manner. When a man said that I just eat an ice cream for dinner, ohter man`s tone became high because he was surprised about that and moreover, it seems that he did not trust him. At the time of beginning of the conversation, they was normal, not casual, but end of time they became casual manner, such as one man poined other man by spoon. It seems casual for me, as a Japanese.
I can just say what kind of that conversation was for was chat.